Saturday, August 1, 2009

Baloons Combination at

Here is some combination for the Baloons at

BUTTERFLY = 1 large yellow and 1 large orange
LIGHT BULB = 2 medium yellow
BASEBALL = 2 small green and 1 small yellow
APPLE = 3 medium red
ANT = 2 small red and 1 small orange
CLOUD = 2 medium blue
EGG = 1 large yellow, 1 medium yellow and 1 small yellow
HEART = 2 medium red
LIPS = 2 large red
TOXIC = 2 large yellow
PAWS = 2 medium orange
PEACE = 1 large blue, 1 large yellow and 1 large red
SMILEY = 1 large yellow and 1 medium yellow
STAR = 3 medium yellow
HAZARD = 2 large orange
BLUE MUSHROOM = 1 large blue and 1 small blue
PINK MUSHROOM = 1 large pink and 1 small pink
YELLOW MUSHROOM = 1 large yellow and 1 small yellow
RED MUSHROOM = 1 large red and 1 small red
GREEN MUSHROOM = 1 large green and 1 small green
ORANGE MUSHROOM = 1 large orange and 1 small orange
BLUE RIBBON = 2 small blue and medium blue
RED RIBBON= 2 small red and medium red
GREEN RIBBON = 2 small green and medium green
YELLOW RIBBON =2 small yellow and medium yellow
ORANGE RIBBON = 2 small orange and medium orange
PINK RIBBON = 2 small pink and medium pink
TARGET = medium blue and medium red
ARROW = 3 medium orange
MOON = 2 small blue and 1 large blue
RECYCLE = 2 green medium
CHERRY = 2 medium red and one small red
LAB = 2 small blue and small pink
BLUE PUZZLE PIECE = 2 large blue and small blue
GREEN PUZZLE PIECE = 2 large green and small green
YELLOW PUZZLE PIECE = 2 large yellow and small yellow
PINK PUZZLE PIECE = 2 large pink and small pink
RED PUZZLE PIECE = 2 large red and small red
ORANGE PUZZLE PIECE = 2 large orange and small orange

Tutorial Kilat Window Movie Maker

bka shortcut movie maker na
klo g da, bka d "C:\Program Files\Movie Maker\moviemk.exe"


cara masukin media (gambar, lagu, video)

-d kiri, da tulisan "Movie Tasks" trus d bwh na da "1.Capture Video"
-trus d bwh na da
"Import video" : bwt video
"Import pictures" : bwt gambar
"Import audio or music" : bwt lagu

-trus klo dah klik, pilih pa yg mo d mskin
-ntar dia da ksh liat media yg kta import in "Collection: Collections" sblah "Movie Tasks"


cara masukin media k movie na

klik SATU media yg lo mskin k dlm movie na
-bwt gambar ma video lu drag k Timebar "Video"
-bwt lagu lu drag k Timebar "Audio/Music"
-klo dah d drag bakal da bar yg nunjukin slide media bar lo (lagu biasa na biru)
-klo lu klik sisi plg kanan slide media lo kan cursor na brubah tuh, lu bsa ganti pnjang waktu media tu tampil d video na.


cara masukin effect & text:
Klik slide gambar/video yg lu mo mskin text
D bwh "1. Capture Video" td da "2. Edit Movie"
-bwt masukin effect lu klik "View video effects" ato "View video transitions" trus lu pilih lah yg mana lo mo pk

-bwt mskin text, klik "Make titles or credits"
bwt bikin judul lu klik "title at the beginning"
bwt bikin credit lu klik " credits at the end"
bwt bikin text d slide tu klik "title on the selected clip"
-trus lu type text di text box na
-klo dah slesai jgn klik "Done, add title to movie" dlu. d bwh na da "More optionos:" bwt lu edit tulisan lo tuh
-pilih deh animation ato ganti warna ama font text lo
-klo dah puas br klik "Done, addd title to movie"


bis slesai, movie bsa d preview di movie player d sisi kanan (fungsi sma kyk wma)
klo dah slesai bkn movie na, mending lo save dlu draft movie na spaya bsa edit lg
-F12 / Ctrl+S bwt save draft (format na .mswmm)
-Ctrl+P bwt save movie na (lngsng jd. format na .wmv)
mang sih klo save movie na agak lma
tp sabar ja yah


klo da yg mo di tanyain/bigung, silahkan comment post ni
bakal d jwb scptna